Sales every Wednesday at 11 except for the weeks of the 4th of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Herd Evaluation
Our trained representatives can evaluate the value of your herd.
Country Buying
Our representatives can evaluate and write you a check on the spot in your pasture.
We have hauling available, 16-36 ft. ground load trailers all the way up to tractor pulled Pots.
We haul cattle for sale into the barn & purchased cattle back to the farm at very reasonable rates as well as farm to farm during the week.
Call for pricing.
General Information for Valley Stockyard in Moulton Alabama:
Support your local area by marketing cattle in North Alabama
Drop off/pick up 7 days a week by appointment
Locally owned and operated with a friendly staff
NO trader cattle
Hauling Available
Free on-farm appraisals
Licensed veterinarian on location every sale day
We continually maintain and improve our handling facilities
Cattle are weighed before entering the sale ring